Bhatar Construction in Northern Pakistan

Pakistan was hit by a devastating earthquake in October 2005. Soon afterward the government of Pakistan formed the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority, commonly known as ERRA. ERRA created 11 training centers for the reconstruction of private homes destroyed in the earthquake. One of the techniques promoted in this reconstruction effort was the so-called "Bhatar" method of construction.

Bhatar consists of reinforced stone masonry where parallel horizontal timber beams are inserted into the stone masonry at regular intervals to ensure the coherence of the structure. This is a much more economical option than typical construction which requires transport of cement, bricks, and steel to remote mountainous regions. The houses constructed in this fashion are not only earthquake resilient but also energy efficient since the stone masonry acts as an insulator to heat and cold.

Bhatar Construction

Bhatar Construction

Bhatar House

Bhatar House